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Runabouts to Rockets

Advertise with Us!



Advertising Deadline: Two Months Prior to Issue Date

(i.e. April 20 for June Issue)


Ads must arrive at the Flower Mound, TX address

(listed at the bottom of the page) of

Runabouts to Rockets by the deadline above.

The mailing date is normally about the 20th of the month.

Ads received after the deadline will be run next issue.


Advertisements are accepted for 1989 and earlier Oldsmobile cars,

parts and services related to the club’s restoration, preservation and educational purposes.


Leads from members are welcomed.

These are generally ads from a member who encounters

a collectible car that is owned by someone else.

Please include both the member name and address

and the owner name and address.


Ads can be typed, printed from a computer word processor or handwritten. Legibility is appreciated. Please include your name, member number, address and phone number, and email address, if applicable in the ad copy. Multiple insertion requests cannot be honored.




Send payment with copy.


NAOC Members: For members, the first 25 words of their first advertisement each month are free, with additional words charged at 10¢ each.

Name, address, etc. are not included in the word count of the first ad. Additional ads in the same month are charged at the rate of 10¢

for all words, including name, address, etc.


Please send your payment with the ad copy and include your NAOC membership number, which is on your mailing label.


Non-members: Non-member ads are 15¢ a word

for all words including name and address.


Photo Ads


Photo ads are a great way to present your car in a For Sale ad.

Photo ads cost an additional $10.00 per insertion.

The photo should be of good quality.


Standing ads are for commercial organizations

and run for 6 issues without change.

The cost is $35.00 per column inch or fraction thereof.

A column inch is about five lines.

Please include payment in advance for the year with your ad.


Contact Info


No phone calls or faxes for NAOC business, please.

Email is preferred for classified advertising.

Please email your ad to editor Richard Winn

for timely inclusion in the magazine.




Mail sent to the Editor's old address will not be received.

Please update your addresses and send all material

to the address below if unable to email.

Please make sure to include Attn: Richard Winn, in address.


Please make checks payable to National Antique Oldsmobile Club.

Thank you!


Runabouts to Rockets

Attn: Richard Winn

17313 County Road 2720

Slaton, TX 79364-8723


Please include a SASE with sufficient postage

if you want your material returned.

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